I don’t particularly like being called “a budding programmer” but I guess it’s true. The IT world is full of fierce competition and the more you know the better you can fight. And when I say fight, I mean the kind of fighting that nerds do – like argue over which programming language or platform is the best. Exciting huh? Those of you familiar with open source software and other web-based tools know that it can be some of the greatest stuff out there because you have an entire community constantly improving it and helping you do your job better. This is absolutely the case with a CMS called Drupal.
The word “programming” is so loosely used around our office it makes me chuckle sometimes. Really, because Drupal is so user friendly and has so many modules that are ready to go straight out of the box, you can hardly call it a “programming endeavor.” Though there is some programming to be done sometimes, most of the editing and manipulation done inside of Drupal is GUI based and pretty straight forward. But hey if it makes me sound smarter, call it programming all day!
Contrary to what the title suggests, I have actually been building Drupal sites for a little while now, but the latest site I built for a recent client (Reaction Polymers) seems to have officially been deemed “my first endeavor.” It’s a good looking small site (thanks to our in house designers) and it was relatively easy to build. I could write about it more with my boring style and dry sense of humor but I’ll spare you all. Just click here and have a look yourself. Exciting huh?