Google makes changes to their algorithm every single day—sometimes two or three times a day. This can mean anywhere from 300-600 changes happen a year! Most of the changes they make are very small, and don’t dramatically affect how pages are indexed and ranked, but every few months, and at least once a year, there are some major changes made to their algorithm. It’s important for anyone concerned about their page rank to be aware of these changes and how it could affect them. Today, we take a brief look into the history/evolution of the more important algorithmic changes that were made since 2007.

And here we are today. So what’s next for the Google algorithms? The truth is, we don’t really know. As I’ve said before, Google is very guarded about revealing too much when it comes to their algorithms. But what they’re not guarded about is the fact that the value of the content you provide must be great. Great content equals great search results. Don’t believe me? Take it from Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team.